I understand that you have never seen anyone as beautiful as I but what really makes you think that you can 'get to know me', 'wife me up', 'bun me up' or even do something as simple as 'fuck me'. Just look at yourself: (Go 'head...take two minutes to reflect upon yourself....breathe as you do it....1.......2.....)

Like PEWWW! You don't even have a 1% chance of me responding to your little note on Facebook™ talkin' bout some ''wuz good lil' sexy...'' You know what would be good, if you found some FUCKING STYLE nigga. LIKE #WHEREDEYDOTHATAT. Busted ass '03 Nike Boots and Du-Rags from Dollar Tree. Wow, I feel disrespected that you tried to come at me.
Try it with a #basicbitch.
My name is Zina Caoimhe Christian-Folarin and I fry/put weak ass niggas (like you boy) on BLAST! Google Me Bitch.
Try it with a #basicbitch.
My name is Zina Caoimhe Christian-Folarin and I fry/put weak ass niggas (like you boy) on BLAST! Google Me Bitch.
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