1. My Hair is Real.
No..noo...nooo! I'm not knocking the women who wear weave/tracks/extensions because that is okay with me. What is NOT cute is the excess amount of females that don't take care of their weave. Those curly tracks are just too much. BUY HUMAN HAIR..shit! Whats really funky is when the actual track and/or cornroll is showing. When picking out hair ladies, uh, get the color that matches your hair not any hue of pink, orange, bright yellow, rainbow...thats TOO TACKY!
2. Not A Clubber.
I've never been enticed by the club scene..I absolutely hate women that LIVE FOR THE CLUB. Who does that shit? You wont' see me in any dusty ass nightclub (unless Wale is there...) especially Love. OMG! Thats where most of the weak bitches hang...thirsty for some dick. Whats' the point when your so called "married to blah blah blah'' on facebook. You wait for like two hours to get in, think your cute with your little $10 Forever21 dress, and your payless heels..hmmm, I guess your stuntin huh? #FALSE like shit! NO! Simply NO! And the same goes for go-go's MOSTLY weak hoodrats with their synthetic curly weave, red lipstick, and velcro sandals, under age-really, in there "CLAPPIN". Oh no like shit girl, your pussy smell like salmon girl. You wont' find me in any niggas' booth picture with my ass out..FUCK NO!
3. I take pride in how I look.
You will never ever fucking EVER (did I put emphasis on ever?) see me in ANYTHING Rainbow. I thing I hate the most is how some of you chicks dress. A dude can tell how musch you paid for an outfit..You only paid $20.00 for a WHOLE outfit including shoes and claim your such a fucking BADD BITCH or the over-rated term 5 Star Chick..girl STOP! You know what, its not even the price its the principle; NO dude wants to be seen out with a girl rockin' FAKE anything. I mean any dude that posses a HIGH LEVEL OF STYLE. The way you dress reflects off of your dude. So what does this mean when I get my paycheck every friday, I don't run out to Gussini, Rainbow, Forever21, Dots, Payless to clear out the whole damn store. Its 2010, WE OFF THAT.
3a. A Couple of FUNKY DC Fashion "Trends" I did not follow!
Velcro Sandals, Dr. Martin Boots*, Red Lipstick w/ Everything, Wedge Flip Flops, I (heart) DC shirts, True Religions Jeans, Polo Everything!, Gucci Everything!, Leggings and some random ass t-shirt, Braided Headband around the forehead..etc..etc.
4. I love to social network but....
I'm not still on MySpace™ uploading funky ass pictures with my middle finger up talkin' bout some iPrettyJanae Single! Go Smack! #wholetime son son WTF is a 'GOOOO SMACK'? LMAO...I'm not talkin to these weak niggas who claim their 'trapstarts' look a hot mess nor do I bring any un-needed drame to Facebook/Twitter or any hoe like characteristics such as "I need a dick down, go smack!" that will be left for the MySpace™ crowd.
I provide for myself..i.e. I live by myself and have my OWN SHIT. I don't need a dude to be like Captain Save'em out here paying my rent, light, cable bil..Oh naw...gold diggin' I don't do that. Thats why God created jobs. So if you fuckin' a nigga because "Were' not together but he pays my phone bill girll..." #GoHeadSon...thats cruel. And whoever said "It aint trickin if you got it.." just wanted some easy pussy because in reality, IT IS.
6. I Know Real Music.... *dedicated to my soulmate*
I understand everyone has different tastes but...I don't blast that 'wacka flocka bling blow watch me crank my birdwalk buuuuur well damn' bullshit! No Gucci over here. I'm a real hip-hop lover if your lookin for that shit, that over-played on the radio contact Shanayqua Mantoya Moses sooons..cause you wont' find it in my iPhone. It ain't me shawty.
6a. And NO! My Last Name on Facebook is NOT MINAJ! I am NOT sucking Nicki Minaj's clit. I barely like her. Yesss! She's sooooooo badd, I'd fuck the shit out of her but I DON'T fuck with her. Her music is a #fail for me. TOO OVER-RATED! But this is what the world and every DC GIRL idolizes when you put "Lewenski" behing your name and talk about 'wet slippery pussy'. SMDH, Shiiiiiit...I'd be rich then.
7. She a roller man....
#GoHeadSon NOT ME! If I have a boyfriend (to which I currently don't) *sad face* I'm going to stick with him. I have to admit that women can be scandolous at times....even me but I won't have a dude, talk to his 'mans', fuck his cousin, sex message Delonte from FB, and then suck off his broken. WOW! By that time, I'd probably have TRASHBAG PUSSY. and no matter how pretty you are NO DUDE likes TRASHBAG pussy! I'm talkin bout the type of pussy you can dit your whole fist through. I have never cheated but been cheated on...(hmmmm #niggasaintshit)
8. I'm not loud or obnoxious... but know baby know, that I WILL FRY/PUT YOUR LITTLE SHHHHH ON BLAST if needed. Usually thats only for weak/anything ass bitches/niggas.
9. I'm not a hater at all.... If I see a pretty face fly girl, I'll tell her and try and get at that. LMAO* But yeahh...I don't mug or use ugly faces to express my dislike for some girl just because she put her outfit together well..thats UN-COOL!
10. I mind my own busines... I'm not in Jonae's business teller her what I heard about Dionte from 21st. I hate girls that do that.
Note*: This wasn't meant to disrespect anyone just some freestyling serious issues that needed to be addressed..!
Mrs. Zina Caoimhe Christian-Folarin.